
Steps to Learn Arabic for Beginners

Steps to Learn Arabic for Beginners



Aug 18, 2022

Congratulations to those of you who have decided to learn Arabic! As we know that Arabic is the most popular language in the world. Arabic is the sixth most widely spoken language in the world, with at least 420 million speakers worldwide. Learning a foreign language is difficult, but it can be even more difficult when the language has nothing to do with our native language.

With any language, there is always a way to become fluent in the language. We can learn vocabulary, conjugations, word structures, etc. either from books, videos, or from native speakers directly. However, it is not as easy as we think, that learning Arabic is a bit different from learning other foreign languages. To make it easier, it never hurts to try the following steps:

Step One: Decide which Arabic we need to learn

It turns out that there are various types of Arabic. Arabic is the mother tongue as well as the official language of at least 30 countries in the Middle East and North Africa. There are different kinds of accents and pronunciations. Well, if we want to go and spend time in a certain area there, it's good we need to learn the Arabic dialect in that area.

For example, the Egyptian Arabic dialect which is quite widespread in the Arab region and is often used on TV or in various films.

However, we also need to consider Fusha Arabic which is the official language for 22 Arab countries, is one of the official languages ​​at the United Nations, and is the main root of all existing dialects.

Step Two: Start with the basics first

It is easy for us to fall into the trap when we try to learn Arabic by directly copying words or trying to imitate native speakers rather than we learn from the hijaiyah letters first. Come on, if we think about it, how did we learn English at school, for example? Of course, we start by learning the letters of the alphabet first, then we learn the arrangement of words, then sentences, then we start by learning grammar. Better to learn step by step like this than using shortcuts. Using shortcuts actually hinders our development.

Step Three: Try to use an Arabic Dictionary

It's not as easy as we think you know! In the Arabic Dictionary, words are generally composed of root words consisting of 3 letters. To search for a word, we need to know what the root is and with what letter it begins. Using the Arabic Dictionary does take practice to get used to it. When we are used to it then using a dictionary will feel easier and more fun.

Step Four: Keep yourself busy with study and practice

This is an important step in learning any language, especially Arabic. The best way to learn a new vocabulary is to read it, hear it, write it, and say it, so incorporate as many activities as you can!

One way for beginners to practice a foreign language is to watch children's television shows in that language. Due to its simpler vocabulary and educational value, the television show can be of great help to beginners of all ages. When we are used to it, another way is to watch movies in foreign languages ​​and their translations. That way, we can train our ears to be able to listen well, while the translation will provide an explanation of what we hear. We can continue like that until we can finally turn off the translation and still understand what is being said.

Step Five: Speak the language

Just reading and listening is not enough. But it is very important for us to practice it directly with other people. On the other hand, it may be difficult to find Native Arabic Speakers to practice Arabic. Fortunately, in this day and age that is not a problem anymore. In this era, it is very possible for us to communicate with native speakers using social media.

There are many groups to learn Arabic online. That way, it's very easy for us to find a teacher who can help us in learning, not to mention a lot of material that is shared in the group. Make the most of it! The more we practice, the more we learn.

Step Six: Don't stop learning

These steps are all just the beginning. It's so easy for us to start, but it gets even more difficult when we've lived it. In fact, to master a foreign language takes years, but to acquire communication skills can be obtained quickly if we really dedicate ourselves to achieving it.




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